Durational Performance and edited video documentation
(November 12, 2016, sunup to sundown)

live streamed and projected at ASU Art Museum, Tempe, AZ

›› Creator, Performer ››

in conjunction with the exhibition ANA MENDIETA: Energy Charge

(Part of the series: Data Humanization Project)

2016 | 13:00 | USA | EngLISH | Color | Stereo | 16:9 | HD video




On Saturday November 12, 2016 I performed “THE SKY IS FALLING…”, the third in an ongoing series of performances that make up The Data Humanization Project.

For “THE SKY IS FALLING…” I translate a contested number – the number of civilians killed as a result of drone strikes by the US military.

The low estimate of civilian deaths by drone strikes recorded in Pakistan (since 2004), Yemen (since 2002) Somalia (since 2007) and Afghanistan (since 2015) totaled 616**

** source: the Bureau of Investigative Journalism the full reported range of civilian deaths from US drone strikes is 582-1283 (more than 10 times the high estimate released in official US civilian drone death statistics at a range of 64-116). NOTE: Though drones are currently deployed in both Iraq and Syria, the deaths that result cannot be clearly distinguished from other air bombing campaigns or from airstrikes by other forces.


Video documentation shot by Cydnei Mallory and Krista L. Davis, sound composed by Mary Feaster


The Data Humanization series emerges from the field of data visualization and big data analytics, in which large and complex datasets are presented through visual effects that render them “readable.” In contrast to this trend, each 'data humanization' performance seeks to physically “translate” a single datapoint so that it can be more fully comprehended. Chosen data points are numbers that trouble or baffle the artist, and that she seeks to imprint within her body. She invites audiences to serve as witnesses and aids.